Dynamic, Passionate, Emotive, yet understated and unassuming. A few words to describe the man who is now known as Mute Albino.

Stip Vanstiphout began drawing at an early age and developed a unique style of his own that is reflected in his cartoons & illustrations. If its creative, he has done, does, or will do, and does it exceptionally well!

Being an artist in other media, he seems to add a certain visual magic to his compositions, he began expressing himself years ago when he set his pencil aside for a while and picked up the composing tool.

He named his musical alter-ego Mute Albino, an irreverent self remark to losing his hair due to Alopecia has evolved into a defining embodiment of what this instrumental genius is about.

Lissa Estrada, Seattle

The song "Flies On Oranges" became 4th out of 139 contestants
in the Progressive channel at

The song "Flies On Oranges" became 1st in the instrumental channel at